345-949-7464 or 345-916-8109
117 Walkers Road, P.O. Box 291 George Town, KY1-1104 Grand Cayman

Pat Phillips (nee Patsy Ruth Merren) January 24, 2025

The family of Pat Phillips (nee Patsy Ruth Merren) sadly announce her unexpected death Pat was a lovely, kind, sweet, outgoing woman.
Her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ called her home to Heaven at her appointed time on August 2, 2023 at the age of 87, just nine months after the passing of her late husband, Capt. Ducan Phillips.
Pat is survived by her daughters, Donna Charron, (son-in-law Richard Charron), Bonnie Phillips, step-daughter Emily Vallecillo, grandchildren Christy Gaus, (grand son-in-law Mark Gaus),
Carey Ingram, (grand son-in-law Zachary Ingram), Hunter Perez, Ethan Perez, step-grandchildren Art Vallecillo, Gina Mulvey, Tanya Vallecillo, as well as her dear sweet great-grandchildren
Collynn Gaus and Reece Gaus.
Funeral service for Pat Phillips will be on Sunday, September 3, 2023 at 3pm at the Church of God Chapel George Town on
Walkers Road and Academy Way Burial will follow at The Garden of Reflections.

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